Redefining Space – The Evolution of Installation Art in the Digital Age


In 'Redefining Space', the boundaries of physical and virtual realms converge in a symphony of immersive experiences and spatial narratives. This book delves into the transformative power of installation art in reshaping our perceptions of space and environment. From interactive installations to virtual realities, each chapter in this book invites readers to explore the dynamic interplay between art, technology, and spatial design. With a fusion of creativity and innovation, 'Redefining Space' challenges traditional notions of art display and invites audiences to engage with art in new and immersive ways.

Redefining Space – The Evolution of Installation Art in the Digital Age
Redefining Space – The Evolution of Installation Art in the Digital Age


In 'Redefining Space', the boundaries of physical and virtual realms converge in a symphony of immersive experiences and spatial narratives. This book delves into the transformative power of installation art in reshaping our perceptions of space and environment. From interactive installations to virtual realities, each chapter in this book invites readers to explore the dynamic interplay between art, technology, and spatial design. With a fusion of creativity and innovation, 'Redefining Space' challenges traditional notions of art display and invites audiences to engage with art in new and immersive ways.

In 'Redefining Space', the boundaries of physical and virtual realms converge in a symphony of immersive experiences and spatial narratives. This book delves into the transformative power of installation art in reshaping our perceptions of space and environment. From interactive installations to virtual realities, each chapter in this book invites readers to explore the dynamic interplay between art, technology, and spatial design. With a fusion of creativity and innovation, 'Redefining Space' challenges traditional notions of art display and invites audiences to engage with art in new and immersive ways.Redefining Space – The Evolution of Installation Art in the Digital AgeHello


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SKU: PSART0001476 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

In ‘Redefining Space’, the boundaries of physical and virtual realms converge in a symphony of immersive experiences and spatial narratives. This book delves into the transformative power of installation art in reshaping our perceptions of space and environment. From interactive installations to virtual realities, each chapter in this book invites readers to explore the dynamic interplay between art, technology, and spatial design. With a fusion of creativity and innovation, ‘Redefining Space’ challenges traditional notions of art display and invites audiences to engage with art in new and immersive ways.


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