Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Electrical Engineers


Delve into the dynamic intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence with this enlightening book for electrical engineers. Explore how AI-powered robotics are revolutionizing the field of electrical engineering and driving innovation in automation and control systems. From smart devices to autonomous systems, this book delves into the synergies between robotics and AI that are reshaping the future of electrical engineering. Discover the latest trends in AI-driven robotics and their applications in power systems, electronics, and telecommunications. With a focus on intelligent systems and machine learning algorithms, this book equips electrical engineers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of robotics and AI. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a student entering the field, this book offers valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in electrical engineering.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Electrical Engineers
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Electrical Engineers


Delve into the dynamic intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence with this enlightening book for electrical engineers. Explore how AI-powered robotics are revolutionizing the field of electrical engineering and driving innovation in automation and control systems. From smart devices to autonomous systems, this book delves into the synergies between robotics and AI that are reshaping the future of electrical engineering. Discover the latest trends in AI-driven robotics and their applications in power systems, electronics, and telecommunications. With a focus on intelligent systems and machine learning algorithms, this book equips electrical engineers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of robotics and AI. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a student entering the field, this book offers valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in electrical engineering.

Delve into the dynamic intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence with this enlightening book for electrical engineers. Explore how AI-powered robotics are revolutionizing the field of electrical engineering and driving innovation in automation and control systems. From smart devices to autonomous systems, this book delves into the synergies between robotics and AI that are reshaping the future of electrical engineering. Discover the latest trends in AI-driven robotics and their applications in power systems, electronics, and telecommunications. With a focus on intelligent systems and machine learning algorithms, this book equips electrical engineers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of robotics and AI. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a student entering the field, this book offers valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in electrical engineering.Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Electrical EngineersHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
artificial intelligence
electrical engineers

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Product Description

Delve into the dynamic intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence with this enlightening book for electrical engineers. Explore how AI-powered robotics are revolutionizing the field of electrical engineering and driving innovation in automation and control systems. From smart devices to autonomous systems, this book delves into the synergies between robotics and AI that are reshaping the future of electrical engineering. Discover the latest trends in AI-driven robotics and their applications in power systems, electronics, and telecommunications. With a focus on intelligent systems and machine learning algorithms, this book equips electrical engineers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of robotics and AI. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a student entering the field, this book offers valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in electrical engineering.


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