Robotics Engineering – Social Robotics


Enter the realm of social robotics and discover how robots are designed to interact with humans in various social settings. This book explores the interdisciplinary field of robotics engineering that focuses on creating robots capable of engaging with people in natural and intuitive ways. From emotional intelligence to social behavior modeling, delve into the cutting-edge research and applications of social robotics. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in developing robots that can communicate, collaborate, and assist humans in social environments. With insights on human-robot interaction and social cognition, this book offers a unique perspective on the future of robotics.

Robotics Engineering – Social Robotics
Robotics Engineering – Social Robotics


Enter the realm of social robotics and discover how robots are designed to interact with humans in various social settings. This book explores the interdisciplinary field of robotics engineering that focuses on creating robots capable of engaging with people in natural and intuitive ways. From emotional intelligence to social behavior modeling, delve into the cutting-edge research and applications of social robotics. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in developing robots that can communicate, collaborate, and assist humans in social environments. With insights on human-robot interaction and social cognition, this book offers a unique perspective on the future of robotics.

Enter the realm of social robotics and discover how robots are designed to interact with humans in various social settings. This book explores the interdisciplinary field of robotics engineering that focuses on creating robots capable of engaging with people in natural and intuitive ways. From emotional intelligence to social behavior modeling, delve into the cutting-edge research and applications of social robotics. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in developing robots that can communicate, collaborate, and assist humans in social environments. With insights on human-robot interaction and social cognition, this book offers a unique perspective on the future of robotics.Robotics Engineering – Social RoboticsHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
emotional intelligence
human-robot interaction
robotics engineering
social behavior modeling
social robotics

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Product Description

Enter the realm of social robotics and discover how robots are designed to interact with humans in various social settings. This book explores the interdisciplinary field of robotics engineering that focuses on creating robots capable of engaging with people in natural and intuitive ways. From emotional intelligence to social behavior modeling, delve into the cutting-edge research and applications of social robotics. Learn about the challenges and opportunities in developing robots that can communicate, collaborate, and assist humans in social environments. With insights on human-robot interaction and social cognition, this book offers a unique perspective on the future of robotics.


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