Saving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis


Saving Our Seas - Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainability

Saving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis
Saving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis


Saving Our Seas - Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainability

Saving Our Seas - Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainabilitySaving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution CrisisHello

SKU: PSSCI000936 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
UK & Europe: 2-4 days
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Rest of the world: 5-14 days

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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Saving Our Seas – Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainability


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Saving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis


Saving Our Seas - Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainability

Saving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis
Saving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis


Saving Our Seas - Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainability

Saving Our Seas - Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainabilitySaving Our Seas: Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution CrisisHello

SKU: PSSCI000936 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
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Shipping & Return Policy

Shipping time:
USA & Canada: 3-6 days
UK & Europe: 2-4 days
Japan: 3-5 days
Australia: 2-6 days
Rest of the world: 5-14 days

Return Policy:
30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Saving Our Seas – Exploring Solutions to the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis offers a compelling narrative on the urgent need to address the global plastic pollution crisis threatening our oceans. Delve into the complexities of plastic pollution and explore innovative solutions to mitigate its impact on marine environments. This book highlights the collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at combating plastic pollution and protecting our seas for future generations. Join the movement to save our seas and embrace sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet. Tags: saving seas, plastic pollution, solutions, marine environments, sustainability


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