Sound Engineering – Surround Sound Technologies


Immerse yourself in the world of surround sound technologies and explore the evolution of spatial audio reproduction in entertainment and multimedia. From multichannel audio formats to immersive sound processing algorithms, this book delves into the advancements and applications of surround sound in cinema, music, and gaming. Discover the principles of sound localization, spatial envelopment, and channel-based audio mixing that define the immersive qualities of surround sound systems. Whether you're a sound enthusiast or a professional audio engineer, this book offers a comprehensive overview of surround sound technologies and their impact on modern audio production and consumption.

Sound Engineering – Surround Sound Technologies
Sound Engineering – Surround Sound Technologies


Immerse yourself in the world of surround sound technologies and explore the evolution of spatial audio reproduction in entertainment and multimedia. From multichannel audio formats to immersive sound processing algorithms, this book delves into the advancements and applications of surround sound in cinema, music, and gaming. Discover the principles of sound localization, spatial envelopment, and channel-based audio mixing that define the immersive qualities of surround sound systems. Whether you're a sound enthusiast or a professional audio engineer, this book offers a comprehensive overview of surround sound technologies and their impact on modern audio production and consumption.

Immerse yourself in the world of surround sound technologies and explore the evolution of spatial audio reproduction in entertainment and multimedia. From multichannel audio formats to immersive sound processing algorithms, this book delves into the advancements and applications of surround sound in cinema, music, and gaming. Discover the principles of sound localization, spatial envelopment, and channel-based audio mixing that define the immersive qualities of surround sound systems. Whether you're a sound enthusiast or a professional audio engineer, this book offers a comprehensive overview of surround sound technologies and their impact on modern audio production and consumption.Sound Engineering – Surround Sound TechnologiesHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
audio production
immersive sound
multichannel audio
spatial audio
surround sound

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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Immerse yourself in the world of surround sound technologies and explore the evolution of spatial audio reproduction in entertainment and multimedia. From multichannel audio formats to immersive sound processing algorithms, this book delves into the advancements and applications of surround sound in cinema, music, and gaming. Discover the principles of sound localization, spatial envelopment, and channel-based audio mixing that define the immersive qualities of surround sound systems. Whether you’re a sound enthusiast or a professional audio engineer, this book offers a comprehensive overview of surround sound technologies and their impact on modern audio production and consumption.


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