Subverting the Norm – Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards


Challenging traditional aesthetic standards, 'Subverting the Norm - Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards' disrupts conventional notions of beauty and artistic value through a provocative exploration of subversive art practices. This book delves into the transformative power of artistic subversion, highlighting how unconventional approaches and radical perspectives can challenge established norms and redefine aesthetic boundaries. By showcasing diverse examples of subversive art across different mediums, this book invites readers to reconsider their preconceptions and embrace the liberating potential of artistic rebellion.

Subverting the Norm – Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards
Subverting the Norm – Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards


Challenging traditional aesthetic standards, 'Subverting the Norm - Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards' disrupts conventional notions of beauty and artistic value through a provocative exploration of subversive art practices. This book delves into the transformative power of artistic subversion, highlighting how unconventional approaches and radical perspectives can challenge established norms and redefine aesthetic boundaries. By showcasing diverse examples of subversive art across different mediums, this book invites readers to reconsider their preconceptions and embrace the liberating potential of artistic rebellion.

Challenging traditional aesthetic standards, 'Subverting the Norm - Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards' disrupts conventional notions of beauty and artistic value through a provocative exploration of subversive art practices. This book delves into the transformative power of artistic subversion, highlighting how unconventional approaches and radical perspectives can challenge established norms and redefine aesthetic boundaries. By showcasing diverse examples of subversive art across different mediums, this book invites readers to reconsider their preconceptions and embrace the liberating potential of artistic rebellion.Subverting the Norm – Challenging Traditional Aesthetic StandardsHello


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SKU: PSART0000551 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Challenging traditional aesthetic standards, ‘Subverting the Norm – Challenging Traditional Aesthetic Standards’ disrupts conventional notions of beauty and artistic value through a provocative exploration of subversive art practices. This book delves into the transformative power of artistic subversion, highlighting how unconventional approaches and radical perspectives can challenge established norms and redefine aesthetic boundaries. By showcasing diverse examples of subversive art across different mediums, this book invites readers to reconsider their preconceptions and embrace the liberating potential of artistic rebellion.


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