Teaching Controversial Topics in Science


Navigating the complexities of scientific discourse, 'Teaching Controversial Topics in Science' offers educators a guide to fostering critical thinking and open dialogue in the classroom. This book delves into the pedagogical strategies for addressing controversial issues in science, from evolution to climate change. With a focus on inquiry-based learning and scientific literacy, it empowers teachers to engage students in meaningful discussions about contentious topics. From ethics in science to media literacy, this book provides valuable insights for navigating the intersection of science and society. Tags: teaching, controversial topics, science education, critical thinking, scientific literacy

Teaching Controversial Topics in Science
Teaching Controversial Topics in Science


Navigating the complexities of scientific discourse, 'Teaching Controversial Topics in Science' offers educators a guide to fostering critical thinking and open dialogue in the classroom. This book delves into the pedagogical strategies for addressing controversial issues in science, from evolution to climate change. With a focus on inquiry-based learning and scientific literacy, it empowers teachers to engage students in meaningful discussions about contentious topics. From ethics in science to media literacy, this book provides valuable insights for navigating the intersection of science and society. Tags: teaching, controversial topics, science education, critical thinking, scientific literacy

Navigating the complexities of scientific discourse, 'Teaching Controversial Topics in Science' offers educators a guide to fostering critical thinking and open dialogue in the classroom. This book delves into the pedagogical strategies for addressing controversial issues in science, from evolution to climate change. With a focus on inquiry-based learning and scientific literacy, it empowers teachers to engage students in meaningful discussions about contentious topics. From ethics in science to media literacy, this book provides valuable insights for navigating the intersection of science and society. Tags: teaching, controversial topics, science education, critical thinking, scientific literacyTeaching Controversial Topics in ScienceHello

SKU: PSSCI001108 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Navigating the complexities of scientific discourse, ‘Teaching Controversial Topics in Science’ offers educators a guide to fostering critical thinking and open dialogue in the classroom. This book delves into the pedagogical strategies for addressing controversial issues in science, from evolution to climate change. With a focus on inquiry-based learning and scientific literacy, it empowers teachers to engage students in meaningful discussions about contentious topics. From ethics in science to media literacy, this book provides valuable insights for navigating the intersection of science and society. Tags: teaching, controversial topics, science education, critical thinking, scientific literacy


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