The Ambiguity of Time – Using Art to Convey the Paradoxes and Contradictions of Temporality


Contemplate the enigmatic nature of time through the lens of art with 'The Ambiguity of Time', a thought-provoking exploration of temporal paradoxes and contradictions. Unravel the intricate relationship between time and artistic expressions, where the past, present, and future converge in a timeless dance. From the fleeting moments captured in artworks to the eternal themes of transience and permanence, this book invites you to ponder the elusive nature of temporality. Explore how artists harness the ambiguity of time to convey profound insights and existential reflections, challenging conventional notions of chronology and continuity. Immerse yourself in the temporal tapestry woven by art, and contemplate the boundless dimensions of time's ambiguity.

The Ambiguity of Time – Using Art to Convey the Paradoxes and Contradictions of Temporality
The Ambiguity of Time – Using Art to Convey the Paradoxes and Contradictions of Temporality


Contemplate the enigmatic nature of time through the lens of art with 'The Ambiguity of Time', a thought-provoking exploration of temporal paradoxes and contradictions. Unravel the intricate relationship between time and artistic expressions, where the past, present, and future converge in a timeless dance. From the fleeting moments captured in artworks to the eternal themes of transience and permanence, this book invites you to ponder the elusive nature of temporality. Explore how artists harness the ambiguity of time to convey profound insights and existential reflections, challenging conventional notions of chronology and continuity. Immerse yourself in the temporal tapestry woven by art, and contemplate the boundless dimensions of time's ambiguity.

Contemplate the enigmatic nature of time through the lens of art with 'The Ambiguity of Time', a thought-provoking exploration of temporal paradoxes and contradictions. Unravel the intricate relationship between time and artistic expressions, where the past, present, and future converge in a timeless dance. From the fleeting moments captured in artworks to the eternal themes of transience and permanence, this book invites you to ponder the elusive nature of temporality. Explore how artists harness the ambiguity of time to convey profound insights and existential reflections, challenging conventional notions of chronology and continuity. Immerse yourself in the temporal tapestry woven by art, and contemplate the boundless dimensions of time's ambiguity.The Ambiguity of Time – Using Art to Convey the Paradoxes and Contradictions of TemporalityHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
ambiguity of time

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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Contemplate the enigmatic nature of time through the lens of art with ‘The Ambiguity of Time’, a thought-provoking exploration of temporal paradoxes and contradictions. Unravel the intricate relationship between time and artistic expressions, where the past, present, and future converge in a timeless dance. From the fleeting moments captured in artworks to the eternal themes of transience and permanence, this book invites you to ponder the elusive nature of temporality. Explore how artists harness the ambiguity of time to convey profound insights and existential reflections, challenging conventional notions of chronology and continuity. Immerse yourself in the temporal tapestry woven by art, and contemplate the boundless dimensions of time’s ambiguity.


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