The Art of Persuasion in Design – How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience


Unlock the secrets of persuasive design in 'The Art of Persuasion in Design - How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience'. This book delves into the art and science of leveraging design principles to sway and convert audiences effectively. Explore the psychology of visual communication, uncovering the principles that drive audience engagement and conversion. Dive into the strategies for creating compelling and persuasive design solutions that resonate with viewers on a subconscious level. With a focus on impact and conversion, this book offers practical insights for designers looking to master the art of persuasion through design.

The Art of Persuasion in Design – How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience
The Art of Persuasion in Design – How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience


Unlock the secrets of persuasive design in 'The Art of Persuasion in Design - How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience'. This book delves into the art and science of leveraging design principles to sway and convert audiences effectively. Explore the psychology of visual communication, uncovering the principles that drive audience engagement and conversion. Dive into the strategies for creating compelling and persuasive design solutions that resonate with viewers on a subconscious level. With a focus on impact and conversion, this book offers practical insights for designers looking to master the art of persuasion through design.

Unlock the secrets of persuasive design in 'The Art of Persuasion in Design - How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience'. This book delves into the art and science of leveraging design principles to sway and convert audiences effectively. Explore the psychology of visual communication, uncovering the principles that drive audience engagement and conversion. Dive into the strategies for creating compelling and persuasive design solutions that resonate with viewers on a subconscious level. With a focus on impact and conversion, this book offers practical insights for designers looking to master the art of persuasion through design.The Art of Persuasion in Design – How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your AudienceHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
design principles

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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Unlock the secrets of persuasive design in ‘The Art of Persuasion in Design – How to Use Design Principles to Influence and Convert Your Audience’. This book delves into the art and science of leveraging design principles to sway and convert audiences effectively. Explore the psychology of visual communication, uncovering the principles that drive audience engagement and conversion. Dive into the strategies for creating compelling and persuasive design solutions that resonate with viewers on a subconscious level. With a focus on impact and conversion, this book offers practical insights for designers looking to master the art of persuasion through design.


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