The Emotive Canvas – Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction


Unleash the power of emotions in art with 'The Emotive Canvas - Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction'. This innovative book explores the art of infusing raw emotions and sentiments into abstract creations, transforming them into evocative and compelling works of art. Dive into the world of new media abstraction and learn how to imbue your artworks with depth, meaning, and emotional resonance. Discover the strategies and techniques that artists use to evoke feelings and provoke thought through their abstract compositions. Immerse yourself in a realm where emotions take center stage, guiding the creative process and shaping the viewer's experience.

The Emotive Canvas – Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction
The Emotive Canvas – Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction


Unleash the power of emotions in art with 'The Emotive Canvas - Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction'. This innovative book explores the art of infusing raw emotions and sentiments into abstract creations, transforming them into evocative and compelling works of art. Dive into the world of new media abstraction and learn how to imbue your artworks with depth, meaning, and emotional resonance. Discover the strategies and techniques that artists use to evoke feelings and provoke thought through their abstract compositions. Immerse yourself in a realm where emotions take center stage, guiding the creative process and shaping the viewer's experience.

Unleash the power of emotions in art with 'The Emotive Canvas - Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction'. This innovative book explores the art of infusing raw emotions and sentiments into abstract creations, transforming them into evocative and compelling works of art. Dive into the world of new media abstraction and learn how to imbue your artworks with depth, meaning, and emotional resonance. Discover the strategies and techniques that artists use to evoke feelings and provoke thought through their abstract compositions. Immerse yourself in a realm where emotions take center stage, guiding the creative process and shaping the viewer's experience.The Emotive Canvas – Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media AbstractionHello


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SKU: PSART0001725 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
new media

Shipping & Return Policy

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Rest of the world: 5-14 days

Return Policy:
30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Unleash the power of emotions in art with ‘The Emotive Canvas – Strategies for Infusing Feelings into New Media Abstraction’. This innovative book explores the art of infusing raw emotions and sentiments into abstract creations, transforming them into evocative and compelling works of art. Dive into the world of new media abstraction and learn how to imbue your artworks with depth, meaning, and emotional resonance. Discover the strategies and techniques that artists use to evoke feelings and provoke thought through their abstract compositions. Immerse yourself in a realm where emotions take center stage, guiding the creative process and shaping the viewer’s experience.


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