The Ethics of Collaborative Art – Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities


Exploring the collaborative nature of artistic practice, 'The Ethics of Collaborative Art - Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities' delves into the ethical considerations that arise when artists collaborate on creative projects. This book examines the complex dynamics of power, agency, and responsibility in collaborative art endeavors, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities of working collectively. By exploring case studies and ethical dilemmas, readers are prompted to reflect on the ethical implications of collaborative art-making and the importance of equitable partnerships. With a focus on fostering ethical dialogue and mutual respect, this book inspires readers to navigate the complexities of collaborative art with integrity and mindfulness.

The Ethics of Collaborative Art – Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities
The Ethics of Collaborative Art – Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities


Exploring the collaborative nature of artistic practice, 'The Ethics of Collaborative Art - Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities' delves into the ethical considerations that arise when artists collaborate on creative projects. This book examines the complex dynamics of power, agency, and responsibility in collaborative art endeavors, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities of working collectively. By exploring case studies and ethical dilemmas, readers are prompted to reflect on the ethical implications of collaborative art-making and the importance of equitable partnerships. With a focus on fostering ethical dialogue and mutual respect, this book inspires readers to navigate the complexities of collaborative art with integrity and mindfulness.

Exploring the collaborative nature of artistic practice, 'The Ethics of Collaborative Art - Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities' delves into the ethical considerations that arise when artists collaborate on creative projects. This book examines the complex dynamics of power, agency, and responsibility in collaborative art endeavors, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities of working collectively. By exploring case studies and ethical dilemmas, readers are prompted to reflect on the ethical implications of collaborative art-making and the importance of equitable partnerships. With a focus on fostering ethical dialogue and mutual respect, this book inspires readers to navigate the complexities of collaborative art with integrity and mindfulness.The Ethics of Collaborative Art – Navigating Power Dynamics and ResponsibilitiesHello


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SKU: PSART0001379 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Exploring the collaborative nature of artistic practice, ‘The Ethics of Collaborative Art – Navigating Power Dynamics and Responsibilities’ delves into the ethical considerations that arise when artists collaborate on creative projects. This book examines the complex dynamics of power, agency, and responsibility in collaborative art endeavors, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities of working collectively. By exploring case studies and ethical dilemmas, readers are prompted to reflect on the ethical implications of collaborative art-making and the importance of equitable partnerships. With a focus on fostering ethical dialogue and mutual respect, this book inspires readers to navigate the complexities of collaborative art with integrity and mindfulness.


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