The Global Climate Crisis : Science-Based Strategies for Change


The Global Climate Crisis - Science-Based Strategies for Change is a timely and insightful exploration of the urgent challenges posed by climate change. This book delves into the scientific foundations of the global climate crisis and presents innovative strategies for mitigating its impact. Through a lens of scientific analysis and data-driven solutions, readers are introduced to the complex dynamics of climate change and the potential pathways for sustainable change. From renewable energy to carbon sequestration, this book offers a comprehensive overview of science-based strategies for addressing the climate crisis. With a focus on actionable insights and evidence-based approaches, The Global Climate Crisis provides a compelling narrative on the critical need for collective action. Tags: global climate crisis, science-based strategies, climate change, sustainability

The Global Climate Crisis : Science-Based Strategies for Change
The Global Climate Crisis : Science-Based Strategies for Change


The Global Climate Crisis - Science-Based Strategies for Change is a timely and insightful exploration of the urgent challenges posed by climate change. This book delves into the scientific foundations of the global climate crisis and presents innovative strategies for mitigating its impact. Through a lens of scientific analysis and data-driven solutions, readers are introduced to the complex dynamics of climate change and the potential pathways for sustainable change. From renewable energy to carbon sequestration, this book offers a comprehensive overview of science-based strategies for addressing the climate crisis. With a focus on actionable insights and evidence-based approaches, The Global Climate Crisis provides a compelling narrative on the critical need for collective action. Tags: global climate crisis, science-based strategies, climate change, sustainability

The Global Climate Crisis - Science-Based Strategies for Change is a timely and insightful exploration of the urgent challenges posed by climate change. This book delves into the scientific foundations of the global climate crisis and presents innovative strategies for mitigating its impact. Through a lens of scientific analysis and data-driven solutions, readers are introduced to the complex dynamics of climate change and the potential pathways for sustainable change. From renewable energy to carbon sequestration, this book offers a comprehensive overview of science-based strategies for addressing the climate crisis. With a focus on actionable insights and evidence-based approaches, The Global Climate Crisis provides a compelling narrative on the critical need for collective action. Tags: global climate crisis, science-based strategies, climate change, sustainabilityThe Global Climate Crisis : Science-Based Strategies for ChangeHello

SKU: PSSCI001325 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

The Global Climate Crisis – Science-Based Strategies for Change is a timely and insightful exploration of the urgent challenges posed by climate change. This book delves into the scientific foundations of the global climate crisis and presents innovative strategies for mitigating its impact. Through a lens of scientific analysis and data-driven solutions, readers are introduced to the complex dynamics of climate change and the potential pathways for sustainable change. From renewable energy to carbon sequestration, this book offers a comprehensive overview of science-based strategies for addressing the climate crisis. With a focus on actionable insights and evidence-based approaches, The Global Climate Crisis provides a compelling narrative on the critical need for collective action. Tags: global climate crisis, science-based strategies, climate change, sustainability


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