The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices


Explore the intersection of digital technologies and materiality in contemporary art practices in 'The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices'. This book delves into how digital tools and technologies have redefined the materiality of art, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual artistic expressions. Discover the innovative ways in which artists leverage digital mediums to push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Uncover the transformative impact of technology on artistic creation and the evolving landscape of contemporary art practices. Immerse yourself in a world where digital innovation meets artistic expression, and witness the fusion of technology and creativity in the realm of contemporary art.

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices
The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices


Explore the intersection of digital technologies and materiality in contemporary art practices in 'The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices'. This book delves into how digital tools and technologies have redefined the materiality of art, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual artistic expressions. Discover the innovative ways in which artists leverage digital mediums to push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Uncover the transformative impact of technology on artistic creation and the evolving landscape of contemporary art practices. Immerse yourself in a world where digital innovation meets artistic expression, and witness the fusion of technology and creativity in the realm of contemporary art.

Explore the intersection of digital technologies and materiality in contemporary art practices in 'The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices'. This book delves into how digital tools and technologies have redefined the materiality of art, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual artistic expressions. Discover the innovative ways in which artists leverage digital mediums to push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Uncover the transformative impact of technology on artistic creation and the evolving landscape of contemporary art practices. Immerse yourself in a world where digital innovation meets artistic expression, and witness the fusion of technology and creativity in the realm of contemporary art.The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art PracticesHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
artistic expression
contemporary art
digital mediums
digital technologies

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Product Description

Explore the intersection of digital technologies and materiality in contemporary art practices in ‘The Impact of Digital Technologies on Materiality in Contemporary Art Practices’. This book delves into how digital tools and technologies have redefined the materiality of art, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual artistic expressions. Discover the innovative ways in which artists leverage digital mediums to push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Uncover the transformative impact of technology on artistic creation and the evolving landscape of contemporary art practices. Immerse yourself in a world where digital innovation meets artistic expression, and witness the fusion of technology and creativity in the realm of contemporary art.


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