The Philosophy of Abstract Art – Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation


Embark on a journey into the realm of abstract art with 'The Philosophy of Abstract Art - Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation'. This philosophical exploration delves into the conceptual underpinnings of abstract art, exploring its unique language of form, color, and gesture. By unraveling the meanings and expressions that transcend representational boundaries, readers are invited to contemplate the boundless possibilities of abstract artistic expression. From geometric abstractions to expressive gestures, this book offers a deep dive into the philosophical dimensions of abstract art.

The Philosophy of Abstract Art – Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation
The Philosophy of Abstract Art – Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation


Embark on a journey into the realm of abstract art with 'The Philosophy of Abstract Art - Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation'. This philosophical exploration delves into the conceptual underpinnings of abstract art, exploring its unique language of form, color, and gesture. By unraveling the meanings and expressions that transcend representational boundaries, readers are invited to contemplate the boundless possibilities of abstract artistic expression. From geometric abstractions to expressive gestures, this book offers a deep dive into the philosophical dimensions of abstract art.

Embark on a journey into the realm of abstract art with 'The Philosophy of Abstract Art - Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation'. This philosophical exploration delves into the conceptual underpinnings of abstract art, exploring its unique language of form, color, and gesture. By unraveling the meanings and expressions that transcend representational boundaries, readers are invited to contemplate the boundless possibilities of abstract artistic expression. From geometric abstractions to expressive gestures, this book offers a deep dive into the philosophical dimensions of abstract art.The Philosophy of Abstract Art – Meaning and Expression Beyond RepresentationHello


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SKU: PSART0000591 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Embark on a journey into the realm of abstract art with ‘The Philosophy of Abstract Art – Meaning and Expression Beyond Representation’. This philosophical exploration delves into the conceptual underpinnings of abstract art, exploring its unique language of form, color, and gesture. By unraveling the meanings and expressions that transcend representational boundaries, readers are invited to contemplate the boundless possibilities of abstract artistic expression. From geometric abstractions to expressive gestures, this book offers a deep dive into the philosophical dimensions of abstract art.


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