The Philosophy of Robotics – Exploring AI and Automation


Embark on a philosophical exploration of the transformative potential of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation in reshaping human interactions with technology. Delve into the philosophical underpinnings that guide the design, implementation, and ethical considerations of robotic systems in various domains. Reflect on the complex interplay between human agency, technological autonomy, and ethical frameworks in the development of intelligent machines. Contemplate the profound implications of robotics on society, labor practices, and the very essence of human existence through a philosophical lens. Engage with thought-provoking perspectives on the ethical dilemmas and moral imperatives that define the philosophy of robotics in the age of AI and automation.

The Philosophy of Robotics – Exploring AI and Automation
The Philosophy of Robotics – Exploring AI and Automation


Embark on a philosophical exploration of the transformative potential of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation in reshaping human interactions with technology. Delve into the philosophical underpinnings that guide the design, implementation, and ethical considerations of robotic systems in various domains. Reflect on the complex interplay between human agency, technological autonomy, and ethical frameworks in the development of intelligent machines. Contemplate the profound implications of robotics on society, labor practices, and the very essence of human existence through a philosophical lens. Engage with thought-provoking perspectives on the ethical dilemmas and moral imperatives that define the philosophy of robotics in the age of AI and automation.

Embark on a philosophical exploration of the transformative potential of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation in reshaping human interactions with technology. Delve into the philosophical underpinnings that guide the design, implementation, and ethical considerations of robotic systems in various domains. Reflect on the complex interplay between human agency, technological autonomy, and ethical frameworks in the development of intelligent machines. Contemplate the profound implications of robotics on society, labor practices, and the very essence of human existence through a philosophical lens. Engage with thought-provoking perspectives on the ethical dilemmas and moral imperatives that define the philosophy of robotics in the age of AI and automation.The Philosophy of Robotics – Exploring AI and AutomationHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
artificial intelligence

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Product Description

Embark on a philosophical exploration of the transformative potential of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation in reshaping human interactions with technology. Delve into the philosophical underpinnings that guide the design, implementation, and ethical considerations of robotic systems in various domains. Reflect on the complex interplay between human agency, technological autonomy, and ethical frameworks in the development of intelligent machines. Contemplate the profound implications of robotics on society, labor practices, and the very essence of human existence through a philosophical lens. Engage with thought-provoking perspectives on the ethical dilemmas and moral imperatives that define the philosophy of robotics in the age of AI and automation.


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