The Sensory Turn in Art – How Materiality Engages the Viewer


In 'The Sensory Turn in Art - How Materiality Engages the Viewer', the transformative role of materiality in art is explored through a lens of sensory engagement and viewer interaction. This book delves into the tactile and visual dimensions of artistic materials, illuminating how material choices influence the viewer's sensory experience and emotional connection to artworks. Through a tactile exploration of textures and forms, this book uncovers the profound impact of materiality on artistic perception and interpretation. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey that transcends traditional boundaries of artistic engagement, as this book unveils the transformative power of materiality in the realm of art.

The Sensory Turn in Art – How Materiality Engages the Viewer
The Sensory Turn in Art – How Materiality Engages the Viewer


In 'The Sensory Turn in Art - How Materiality Engages the Viewer', the transformative role of materiality in art is explored through a lens of sensory engagement and viewer interaction. This book delves into the tactile and visual dimensions of artistic materials, illuminating how material choices influence the viewer's sensory experience and emotional connection to artworks. Through a tactile exploration of textures and forms, this book uncovers the profound impact of materiality on artistic perception and interpretation. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey that transcends traditional boundaries of artistic engagement, as this book unveils the transformative power of materiality in the realm of art.

In 'The Sensory Turn in Art - How Materiality Engages the Viewer', the transformative role of materiality in art is explored through a lens of sensory engagement and viewer interaction. This book delves into the tactile and visual dimensions of artistic materials, illuminating how material choices influence the viewer's sensory experience and emotional connection to artworks. Through a tactile exploration of textures and forms, this book uncovers the profound impact of materiality on artistic perception and interpretation. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey that transcends traditional boundaries of artistic engagement, as this book unveils the transformative power of materiality in the realm of art.The Sensory Turn in Art – How Materiality Engages the ViewerHello


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SKU: PSART0001597 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
sensory turn

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Product Description

In ‘The Sensory Turn in Art – How Materiality Engages the Viewer’, the transformative role of materiality in art is explored through a lens of sensory engagement and viewer interaction. This book delves into the tactile and visual dimensions of artistic materials, illuminating how material choices influence the viewer’s sensory experience and emotional connection to artworks. Through a tactile exploration of textures and forms, this book uncovers the profound impact of materiality on artistic perception and interpretation. Immerse yourself in a sensory journey that transcends traditional boundaries of artistic engagement, as this book unveils the transformative power of materiality in the realm of art.


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