Zoology in Action: Techniques and Tools for Field Research


Explore the dynamic world of Zoology in Action - Techniques and Tools for Field Research. This captivating book immerses readers in the exciting realm of field research, offering a comprehensive guide to the techniques and tools used by zoologists to study animals in their natural habitats. From tracking elusive species to observing animal behavior, this book provides a detailed insight into the intricate methods employed by researchers. Embark on a journey of discovery as Zoology in Action equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct meaningful field studies. Delve into the fascinating world of zoological research and uncover the secrets of the animal kingdom.

Zoology in Action: Techniques and Tools for Field Research
Zoology in Action: Techniques and Tools for Field Research


Explore the dynamic world of Zoology in Action - Techniques and Tools for Field Research. This captivating book immerses readers in the exciting realm of field research, offering a comprehensive guide to the techniques and tools used by zoologists to study animals in their natural habitats. From tracking elusive species to observing animal behavior, this book provides a detailed insight into the intricate methods employed by researchers. Embark on a journey of discovery as Zoology in Action equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct meaningful field studies. Delve into the fascinating world of zoological research and uncover the secrets of the animal kingdom.

Explore the dynamic world of Zoology in Action - Techniques and Tools for Field Research. This captivating book immerses readers in the exciting realm of field research, offering a comprehensive guide to the techniques and tools used by zoologists to study animals in their natural habitats. From tracking elusive species to observing animal behavior, this book provides a detailed insight into the intricate methods employed by researchers. Embark on a journey of discovery as Zoology in Action equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct meaningful field studies. Delve into the fascinating world of zoological research and uncover the secrets of the animal kingdom.Zoology in Action: Techniques and Tools for Field ResearchHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
field research

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Product Description

Explore the dynamic world of Zoology in Action – Techniques and Tools for Field Research. This captivating book immerses readers in the exciting realm of field research, offering a comprehensive guide to the techniques and tools used by zoologists to study animals in their natural habitats. From tracking elusive species to observing animal behavior, this book provides a detailed insight into the intricate methods employed by researchers. Embark on a journey of discovery as Zoology in Action equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct meaningful field studies. Delve into the fascinating world of zoological research and uncover the secrets of the animal kingdom.


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