From Rocks to Resources: A Geologist’s Guide to Mineral Exploration


Navigate the intricate terrain of mineral exploration with 'From Rocks to Resources - A Geologist's Guide to Mineral Exploration.' This informative book offers a comprehensive overview of the geological processes involved in mineral resource discovery and extraction. By delving into the principles of mineral exploration and resource evaluation, this book equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful geological surveys. From identifying mineral deposits to assessing their economic viability, 'From Rocks to Resources' provides a practical guide for geologists and mining professionals alike. Embark on a geological expedition and uncover the wealth of mineral resources waiting to be discovered in this insightful exploration.

From Rocks to Resources: A Geologist’s Guide to Mineral Exploration
From Rocks to Resources: A Geologist’s Guide to Mineral Exploration


Navigate the intricate terrain of mineral exploration with 'From Rocks to Resources - A Geologist's Guide to Mineral Exploration.' This informative book offers a comprehensive overview of the geological processes involved in mineral resource discovery and extraction. By delving into the principles of mineral exploration and resource evaluation, this book equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful geological surveys. From identifying mineral deposits to assessing their economic viability, 'From Rocks to Resources' provides a practical guide for geologists and mining professionals alike. Embark on a geological expedition and uncover the wealth of mineral resources waiting to be discovered in this insightful exploration.

Navigate the intricate terrain of mineral exploration with 'From Rocks to Resources - A Geologist's Guide to Mineral Exploration.' This informative book offers a comprehensive overview of the geological processes involved in mineral resource discovery and extraction. By delving into the principles of mineral exploration and resource evaluation, this book equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful geological surveys. From identifying mineral deposits to assessing their economic viability, 'From Rocks to Resources' provides a practical guide for geologists and mining professionals alike. Embark on a geological expedition and uncover the wealth of mineral resources waiting to be discovered in this insightful exploration.From Rocks to Resources: A Geologist’s Guide to Mineral ExplorationHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
geological processes
mineral exploration

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Navigate the intricate terrain of mineral exploration with ‘From Rocks to Resources – A Geologist’s Guide to Mineral Exploration.’ This informative book offers a comprehensive overview of the geological processes involved in mineral resource discovery and extraction. By delving into the principles of mineral exploration and resource evaluation, this book equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful geological surveys. From identifying mineral deposits to assessing their economic viability, ‘From Rocks to Resources’ provides a practical guide for geologists and mining professionals alike. Embark on a geological expedition and uncover the wealth of mineral resources waiting to be discovered in this insightful exploration.


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